Shipping policy
Once you've placed your order, we'll email you a tracking number so you know where your package is at every step of the way.
Where do we ship?
If your country isn't listed but you'd still like to purchase from us, please drop our customer service team an email before making a purchase at and we'll be able to assist you. Unfortunately, we cannot ship to P.O. boxes, APO, FPO or DPO addresses.
All prices below are in US dollars.
United States
- Standard Shipping: 7-11 days at $12.99
- Expedited Shipping: 5-9 days at $19.99
- Super-Expedited Shipping: 4-6 days at $39.99
- Standard Shipping: 5-8 days at $13.99
- Expedited Shipping: 4-7 days at $20.99
Kindly note:- Orders usually take approximately 1 business day to process and is not included in the above timeframes.
Checking your order status
Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a tracking number which you can use to track the entire journey of your package. You may key in your tracking number using our Track your package page to locate your order.
Please note that there may be a 24-hour delay in your parcel update.
Failed Delivery
Wydr Studios is not responsible for failed delivery due to customer negligence, including but not limited to incorrect delivery information provided (such as insufficient apartment / building details, errors in order address, contact number or recipient name). Under these cases, we cannot refund your order. Please review your order carefully before making a purchase.
If you find that your order information is incorrect, please contact us as soon as possible at before your order leaves our warehouse – please provide your order number and correct information up front so we can make the corrections.
Additional Information
Due to unforeseen delays or delays in providing tracking details during the transportation process of some logistics carriers, we appreciate your patience and understanding. Ensuring your order is delivered in a timely manner is our top priority.
Shipping times do not include order processing times. Please check your Order Details page for more information on your order.
During peak shopping seasons, unexpected delays may occur during shipping. We thank you for your understanding and please feel free to get in touch with for any questions related to your order.